The LDI focuses on skills-based learning non-degree credentials in 9 industries critical to the future of New Jersey specifically, and the globe generally.
The LDI supports AI as a transformative force in multiple industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and finance.
The LDI supports pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and research institutions, driving health innovations.
New Jersey’s role as a transportation hub is vital to the nation's supply chains, involving ports, freight, and logistics infrastructure.
Involves modern technologies like automation, IoT, and robotics to enhance manufacturing processes.
New Jersey’s role in food production, processing, and distribution is crucial for meeting consumer demands.
With a concentration of financial institutions, insurance, and legal firms, this sector supports the state’s economy.
Spanning from kindergarten to post-secondary education, this sector plays a key role in shaping future talent.
Supports the defense sector with cybersecurity innovations and advanced manufacturing while enhancing learning.
New Jersey is emerging as a film and digital content hub, fueled by incentives and infrastructure.